Some guys have claimed they haven’t understood chaos theory which plays such an important part in the film. So,I’ve decided to explain it a bit so that people can appreciate the brilliance of the film.
Q:What is Chaos?
A:Basically a chaotic system is one wherein long term predictions are impossible.Like for example,if I push a car, I know that it is going to move and it will continue to do so if I go on pushing it on and on.However,in a chaotic system,this situation cannot be predicted over a long period of time.Weather for example is a chaotic system.No matter how good your instruments are,you simply cannot predict the weather with 100% accuracy over a long term basis and forecast it.
Q:What is the butterfly effect?
A:It is the most important component of a chaotic system.Basically,small perturbations results in amplifications which completely destroys the original nature of the system and makes prediction impossible.If a butterfly flaps its wings in Africa,it could result in a cyclone in USA.(Mark the word COULD)A highly dumbed down explanation of the butterfly effect is in the film Anniyan,where Vikram’s sister dies because a liquor shop owner sells liquor on a dry day.
Q:OK,how does Dasa incorporate it?
A:In essence,Dasa talks about 8 characters who are inconsequential as such,but are integrated in a larger picture.Without Bush,the plane would have been called back.Without Shinghen,Govind would be dead.Without the tsunami,the world would have been destroyed.Even Krishnaveni Patti plays a very important role.If she had not put the vial in the idol,maybe Govind would have recovered it then and there and a powerful weapon would have been unleashed.The very fact that it went into the idol meant that it was being accelrated to its destiny.Without Kaifulllah Khan,Govind would have never escaped;the list simply goes on.
Q:OK,so does the film talk about theism or atheism?
A:Neither.It talks about how humans drive the destiny of the world.
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